Our Blog: News, Packaging Tips, & Case Studies
Read our recent news, packaging tips and advice, case studies, and our customer’s FAQs at Wertheimer Box.
Complete Packaging Solutions Make Sales Soar: Case Study
Wertheimer Box account representative Maria Deizman shares a case study about complete packaging solutions that made sales soar. Gift Boxes.
10 Ways to Build Customer Trust and Confidence in Manufacturing
Sales account manager Robert (Bob) Sievert shares 10 tips that manufacturers can use to build customer trust and confidence in their companies. Bob has more than 35 years of experience in the corrugated packaging industry.
Is the Customer Always Right?
Chicago’s Marshall Field popularized: The customer is always right. But IS the customer always right? See what Chicago-area company Wertheimer Box says.
Corrugated (NOT Cardboard) 101
Learn the steps in making custom corrugated boxes. Discover the difference between cardboard and corrugate. Account Manager Nick Catino shares insights he learned after making a career change from education to corrugated packaging.
12 Tips for Avoiding Potholes and Pitfalls of POP Displays
Here are 12 tips for avoiding potholes and pitfalls when creating your retail point-of-purchase (POP) displays. Author Patrick (Pat) Delaney applies nearly 30 years of corrugated packaging and POP experience to help Wertheimer Box Corp customers. See how you can be most successful and sell more products with your next POP display.
Developing New Packaging for a Nationally Known Mustard Producer
Case Study: See how Wertheimer Box collaborated to modernize a plant and developed regular slotted containers (RSCs) and display shippers with die cut windows.
Packaging Advice Tips for New Product Marketing Managers and Entrepreneurs
New to your product marketing role? As one of Chicagoland’s most established packaging companies, Wertheimer Box can help you market your new product.
FAQs About Cardboard Boxes and Corrugated Boxes
Read our FAQs. Are corrugated boxes a type of cardboard box? Can I get the box I need from Wertheimer Box? What are the different types and colors of corrugate? Is my order too small? Too big? Do you make your products in the USA? Are corrugated boxes recyclable? Inquiring minds want to know!
Wertheimer Box Corp Celebrates 80th Anniversary With New Website Launch
In November Wertheimer Box launched its new website to better serve customers for the next 80 years.
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Wertheimer Box Corp.
7950 Joliet Rd #100
McCook, IL 60525
Corporate Hours
8:00 am - 5 pm (M-F)