Doug Wertheimer

Since 2004, Doug Wertheimer has been the owner and president of Wertheimer Box, Corp. Under his tenure, the company has more than tripled in size. Doug grew up in the corrugated packaging industry and has 40+ years of experience in packaging solutions. He majored in history at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Wertheimer Box manufactures custom, printed corrugated boxes and corrugated point of purchase displays as well as standard boxes and packaging.
FAQs About Cardboard Boxes and Corrugated Boxes

FAQs About Cardboard Boxes and Corrugated Boxes

Read our FAQs. Are corrugated boxes a type of cardboard box? Can I get the box I need from Wertheimer Box? What are the different types and colors of corrugate? Is my order too small? Too big? Do you make your products in the USA? Are corrugated boxes recyclable? Inquiring minds want to know!